What's that? You want to know more about little ol' me? How very ambitious of you. I suppose I can volunteer a few choice kernels of personal information...
Allow me to introduce myself. I am Cap'n Metalhead, The proprietor of this venerable web-crypt. Most who are close to me know me as the greenest skeleton in the Solar System, but I am known by many faces and personae. Perhaps I'm close to you, and you don't even know it!

My pronouns are currently up in the air, so you may refer to me however you wish. Let it be known, however, that my identity is trending somewhere in the direction of "girl", and if current patterns hold I'll be a she/they/it within the next half-decade or so.
I hail from a city of crime and villainy, somewhere far, far away, and yet as close as your imagination. In this city, rich, green slime was the end-all, be-all of wealth, and it drove its populace to endless conflict.
Not me, though, I'm built different. I've devoted myself to much more scholarly pursuits, such as playing videogames, researching the Earth's wildlife, and, of course, maintaining this website.
Slime means different things to different people. I hope to impart my own understanding of it to you, the reader of this website, through its visual design and my own philosophy as it reveals itself through the development of this site.
And, if that sounds boring to you, firstly, rude, and secondly, you can also simply enjoy yourself while you peruse my silly little writings or hear about my many interests.
If that still doesn't tickle you, you're free to leave, I've provided a large assortment of exits to much better websites than mine, and I'M DEFINITELY NOT SALTY ABOUT YOU FINDING MY WEBSITE BORING.